Web app allowing people to track their travel plans by creating events and adding other users to the travel party. Used Zomato API to display nearby restaurants, Open Weather API to show the local weather, and Google Calendar API to add events to a user's calendar. Styled with Bootstrap.
Replication of Facebook with functionalities including: viewing the newsfeed, user profiles, wall posts, 2-way and group chats, and viewing online friends.
Web app built to analyze various datasets related to American health, geographical distribution, and food access inequality. Backend consisted of Oracle SQL instance hosted on AWS. Express, Angular, and Node.js utilized for app architecture. Implemented Map view with Google Maps API with backend county-coordinate data in MongoDB. Plotly Javascript library used for scatterplots.
Client/server full-stack project integrated within an existing full-stack web application. Built to allow the compliance team to determine fraudulent loans through fuzzymatching data on existing loans. Client frontend designed with React and Redux, and backend implementation in Ruby on Rails. Server created using Python and Flask, and deployed to an AWS Lambda instance using Zappa.
Study Connect
Swift, Firebase
November 2018 - December 2018
Mobile app designed to foster collaboration and discussion within educational communities. Create study groups (with associated study events) and post questions on the forum.
Web app mimicking the game Flood-It. Play different levels of difficulty and board sizes in addition to playing against the computer. Log in to save your games. Maintain list of high scores.